Living in community

Sharing life, praying & working, being trained & sent out


In Europe and along the Silk Road, we operate various so-called "Apostolic Hubs". A hub is a junction that connects two places. People live and work here for a certain period of time, are trained and equipped holistically and then sent out again to a new place of work and ministry.

Sharing, working, impacting 

In Apostolic Hubs, we share our lives, work together and impact our surroundings and the entire region. Discipleship takes place in the context of life, equipping in a practical environment and finally a sending out to a new place, a new field of work or a new mission.

If you are interested, you are welcome to join us and live and learn with us.

The 15 "L's" of the apostolic hubs 

Over the course of time, we have discovered 15 aspects of such apostolic hubs. These are the 15 "Ls" of an apostolic hub:

1. Landing

Anyone who comes to us can "land" with us and doesn't have to worry about where to live or what to eat.

2. Laboring

Discipleship and pastoral care take place in the practical co-operation of each individual as they get to know each other.

3. Learning

Being a disciple of Jesus means being a learner of Jesus. We see ourselves as a community of learners - from Him and from each other.

4. Living

In an atmosphere of trust, grace and acceptance, we can open up and share in each other.

5. Loving

We learn to love God, each other and the people around us. We exist to demonstrate the love of God.

6. Laughing / life affirming

Despite the hardships and burdens of life, our homes are places of joy.

7. Laying down your life

We strive for God's kingdom. The question is not what is mine, but what is God's dream for my life.

8. Lord’s supper

Both when we eat together and when we celebrate communion, we eat with "joy and simplicity of heart".

9. Lordship of Christ

Christ is our centre. Our endeavour is to be transformed step by step into His image.

10. Let go and let God

We want to learn to come to the end of ourselves and see how He leads us perfectly.

11. Living in the Power of the H.S.

Guided by His Spirit, we gradually learn to live by His power.

12. Linking others

Hubs are meeting places for believers of all colours.

13. Leaving

After an intensive time of living and preparing together, we send out to fulfil our new mission.

14. Leading

As brothers and sisters, it is our concern to continue to support you in your ministry in the best possible way.

15. Leave a legacy

We long to leave behind traces of blessing. Future generations should benefit from our service.

Have we piqued your interest? Do you long to live in community, experience Jesus, experience change and serve others? Come and be equipped for the things God has for you!

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